Bendish Lane, Whitwell, Hitchin, Hertfordshire. SG4 8HX

01438 871241

St Paul's Walden

Primary School

School Closure (non-Covid)

In the event of extreme inclement weather, such as when heavy falls of snow develop overnight and continue into the following day or extreme icy conditions, parents should take the following advice about the possibility of school closure.


Whenever possible, St Paul’s Walden School will remain open.  However, we have to consider the safety of all our children and staff, some of whom travel a fair distance to school every day.


Should the need arise, a decision will be made as soon as possible if the school is to be closed or have a later opening. Colleagues at the nursery will be consulted before a decision to close has been made. A school closure will be communicated by:

  • School website
  • Parent/staff email or text service
  • Local radio stations
  • HCC closure notice system


Parents are reminded not to contact the school before 8.30am. If you do arrive at school, please do not leave your children without confirming that the school is going to remain open.


Once the school is open for the day, we will stay open until the end of the normal school day at 3.15pm.  Our aim is to open every day but hopefully this information will give some clarity.


If the school requires an early closure, this will be communicated to parents via the same methods as above.


On occasion, late openings will be required. If this is the case, we will inform parents via the communications methods above.


As we approach winter, school newsletters will be used to remind parents of how we intend to inform them if we are unable to open.